Atmosphere ⇒ Coupler
- wind, temperature and humidity of lowest atmospheric model level: used in calculation of surface wind stress and turbulent heat fluxes
- solar radiation
- downward long-wave flux (thermal radiation from atmosphere and clouds)
- precipitation (rain and snow)
- CO2 concentration
- aerosol deposition
Coupler ⇒ Atmosphere
- turbulent heat fluxes (sensible and latent)
- evapo(transpi)ration (this is linearly related to the latent heat flux as the latent heat flux is simply the energy needed to evaporate the water)
- momentum fluxes (=surface wind stress)
- surface albedo (i.e., brightness/reflectivity): used to compute how much sun-light is reflected
- longwave (i.e., thermal) radiation from surface (function of surface temperature)
- CO2 flux from land and ocean
- aerosol flux from land and ocean (sea salt, DMS, dust, black carbon and others)
Ocean ⇒ Coupler
- SST – used in computation of sensible and latent heat fluxes between atmos and ocean and in computation of sea-ice melt/growth
- SSS – used in computation of sea ice growth/melt
- Surface currents – used in computation of surface wind stress
- Ocean – atmospheric CO2 flux – used in computation of atmos CO2 conc
- Ocean – atmospheric DMS (organic particle) flux – used in cloud formation
Coupler ⇒ Ocean
- Sensible and latent (=turbulent) heat fluxes
- Radiative heat fluxes – short wave (solar) and long wave (thermal)
- Freshwater fluxes – precipitation, runoff (liquid and frozen), evaporation
- Momentum fluxes (=wind stree at surface)
- Atmospheric CO2 concentration, 10 m wind and sea ice concencration – used in calculation of surface CO2 flux
Sea ice ⇒ Coupler
- (skin-)surface temperature
- surface albedo (depends on ice concentration and snow conditions)
- momentum flux (ice-atmosphere and ice-ocean)
- heat, salt and water fluxes due to freezing/melting of sea ice
Coupler ⇒ Sea ice
- temperature, humidity and wind at lowest atmospheric level: used to calculate sensible+latent heat fluxes and evaporation
- short-wave (solar) and long-wave (thermal) radition from atmosphere/clouds
- SST and SSS: used to calculate ice growth/melt
- precipitation (rain and snow)
- dust deposition: changes reflectivity of ice/snow
Note: in NorESM, heat, freshwater and momentum fluxes over sea-ice are calculated inside the sea ice component and then passed to the coupler
Land ⇒ Coupler
- surface albedo
- long-wave radiation from surface (computed from surface temperature and surface type)
- surface wind-stress
- sensible and latent heat flux + evaporation
- land runoff: passed to river routing
- surface CO2 flux
River routing ⇒ Coupler
- ocean runoff (liquid and frozen)
Note: in NorESM, heat, freshwater and momentum fluxes over land are calculated inside the land component and then passed to the coupler
Coupler ⇒ Land
- short-wave (solar) and long-wave (thermal) radiation from atmosphere/clouds
- wind, temperature and humidity of lowest atmospheric model level: used to calculated sensible+latent heat fluxes and evaporation
- precipitation (rain and snow)
- atmospheric CO2
Coupler ⇒ River routing
- land runoff (liquid and frozen)